Celebrating 50 Years of Promoting Prosperity and Stability through Private Enterprise
May 8, 2014
IESC celebrates half a century of helping thousands of entrepreneurs & small businesses throughout the world
IESC was established in 1964 at the initiative of entrepreneurs and philanthropists David Rockefeller and Sol Linowitz, who saw the value of American businessmen and women providing technical and managerial advice in developing countries. President Lyndon Johnson launched IESC in the Rose Garden of the White House in the company of prestigious American businesses such as Xerox, Time, CBS and General Dynamics.
Ambassador Thomas J. Miller (Ret.), President and CEO of IESC, said, “Over the last 50 years, we have remained true to our mission of ‘Promoting Prosperity & Stability through Private Enterprise,’ sending consultants and volunteer experts who collaborate with our local teams in developing countries to provide private enterprises, financial institutions, and governments with American expertise. Mainly with the support of USAID, we have implemented more than 25,000 short-term projects and 200 long-term programs in over 130 countries, leaving behind a legacy of increased economic stability and skills, burgeoning private businesses, and strengthened public and private institutions.”
Wherever social, political and economic transformations have occurred around the world, IESC has been there to help. It worked in Asia and Latin America in the 1980s; in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the 1990s; and helped bring the IT revolution to Africa in the late 90s and early 2000s. Read more…