A Message to Former IESC Staff in Afghanistan
August 16, 2021
Words fall short of expressing our concern for our former Afghan and international staff, grantees, partners, and their families during these challenging times in Afghanistan. IESC completed its last program in Afghanistan in 2018, and we have not had any long-term staff or presence in Afghanistan since that time.
In recent weeks we have however been actively engaged with many of our former Afghan staff members who are seeking admission to the U.S. under the U.S. State Department Refugee Admissions Program Priority 2 Designation for Afghan Nationals. For any former IESC Afghan staff that seek to participate in this program, please click on the preceding link for information about the program. If you believe that you qualify, please review the requirements and forms needed for the U.S. State Department Refugee Admissions Program Instructions for P2 Designation here (https://www.wrapsnet.org/siv-iraqi-syrian-afghan-p2/) and submit to hr@iesc.org. We will review your submission and be in contact regarding next steps.
For reference, documents and information required include:
1. Copies of IESC contract documents, employment letters, and/or badges that provide the following information:
- Job Title
- Start Date
- End Date
- Employee/Badge Number
- Project Name
- Work Location
2. Copy of documents to establish your identity (passport, ID’s, etc.) that includes the following information:
- FULL Name
- Date of Birth
3. Employee Referral Form (excel spreadsheet downloaded from https://www.wrapsnet.org/siv-iraqi-syrian-afghan-p2/). You can also download the form here: Excel Format of P2 Referral Form
4. Copy of documents to establish relationship with dependents (birth certificates, marriage license, NID’s, passports etc.)