Spencer King’s Statement on IESC’s 50th Anniversary

“My deepest congratulations to the International Executive Service Corps (IESC) celebrating its 50th Anniversary. IESC was created by world-renowned entrepreneurs, philanthropists and diplomats led by David Rockefeller and Ambassador Sol Linowitz in order to effectively transfer portions of the huge capacity of technology and Senior Executive expertise to lesser-developed countries. IESC promoted this transfer primarily to the private sectors of developing countries world wide, developing high caliber services in over 130 countries with more than 25,000 projects. This effort produced significant jobs while supporting more prosperous healthy environments. Indeed, IESC successfully adapted to changing U.S. strategic political landscapes- from “Cold War” to globally competitive market economies while focusing on sustainability and prosperous stability within world wide communities. IESC evolved to match the existing global challenges with superb volunteers, consultants and vibrant partnerships. The intrinsic “assets” of IESC have been embodied within consistent leadership led by the Board of Directors, management and volunteers and staff. IESC for 50 years has been a model for oriented not-for-profit organizations to deliver expert services. I am proud to have worked for IESC for more than 20 years both in long-term field programs as well as serving as IESC’s President and CEO. Congratulations to all IESC board directors, managerial team and staff and supporters of IESC for playing positive rotes in IESC’s history and success.”

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