Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IESC)
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Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-589-2600
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Thomas Sylvester Carroll, 90, retired CEO of Lever Brothers, president and CEO emeritus of the International Executive Service Corps (IESC) and resident of New Canaan, CT for over sixty years, passed away February 1st, 2010.
He was born October 1st, 1919 in Washington Heights, NY. A graduate of Catawba College in Salisbury, NC, Tom pursued graduate studies at MIT and received his MBA from the Harvard Business School in 1947. He served during…
read moreAs a “wide range” of businesses in the Kingdom of Bahrain have begun to see the benefits of Bahrain’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States, IESC’s Senior Trade Advisor Rudy Vogel projects that the number of businesses that will be generated by the FTA in the future will increase. During a recent press conference in Manama, Bahrain, Mr. Vogel highlighted the successes of several Bahraini companies, whose products range from sports…
read moreThis Reuters article on Afghanistan highlights IESC’s role in Afghanistan’s journey toward social and economic stability. We’re working as a partner to DAI under a USAID-funded project titled, “Afghanistan Small and Medium Enterprise Development.” Quoted in the article is Paul Lamoreaux, an IESC consultant working with the marble industry in Western Afghanistan.
More information:
VOA News: “Progress Continues in Afghanistan”
read moreRabat, Morocco ” The United States Embassy in Rabat and the US-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) are pleased to announce an upcoming Trade Capacity Building Workshop entitled ‘Maximizing Trade under the U.S. – Morocco Free Trade Agreement (FTA)’, which will be held in Casablanca on June 14-16 at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers Casablanca for companies interested in expanding their business under the FTA. The workshop will provide…
read moreThe International Executive Service Corps announced today the appointment of Thomas J. Miller as its new President & CEO. Miller succeeds Spencer King who continues as a Senior Advisor and as a member of IESC’s Board of Directors.
Miller has served in a variety of major international governance, development and diplomatic positions over his long and extensive career. He has served as the U.S Ambassador to Greece as well as to Bosnia and…
read moreIESC is the prime implementer of the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA)’s AGOA+ Program in Ethiopia, which promotes Ethiopian exports under the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA). IESC promotes business linkages with US companies, spearheads investment initiatives through Ethiopian Diaspora in the United States, and provides targeted technical assistance to local firms, with a specific focus on the textile and garment…
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