IESC Helps Moroccan Companies Become More Productive
IESC is the primary implementer of Morocco Commercial Development Organizations Support Program, which is funded by The U.S. State Department’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). As part of this program, IESC provides a competitive grant fund as well as expert technical assistance and training to Moroccan trade associations, cooperatives, business development organizations and chambers of commerce. In July 2013, after reviewing 87 applications for the grant funding, IESC selected the Association Des Biscuitiers Chocolatiers Confiseurs (AB2C) as the grant recipient.
The grant of $40,000 is providing Lean Management training to two of AB2C’s members: Maghreb Industries and Michoc. The training focuses on improving productivity and minimizing production costs. AB2C believes that Lean Management training is not only making its members more competitive, but also attracts the new members, which generates greater revenues to fund member services.
AB2C was formed in 2001 to advocate on behalf of its members against the sugar tax. It represents 15 companies from the biscuit, chocolate and confectionery sectors of the Moroccan economy. AB2C currently is seeking to expand its member services beyond its original scope of government advocacy.
Both Maghreb Industries and Michoc produce a variety of candy products and employ more than 710 Moroccans, 63% of whom are women. After completing two months of training, Maghreb industries reduced its production waste from 30% to 13% and increased its overall productivity by 17%. Maghreb’s director Mr. Teixeira believes that “the percentage may reach up to 25% upon the training completion.”
Since the training funded through MEPI grant proved very successful, more AB2C members are now seeking Lean Management training through the association.
This success story is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Department of State. The contents are the responsibility of the International Executive Service Corps and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of State or the United States Government.