Our Work

Radio for Peace Building in Northern Mali


To keep the peace in northern Mali, support counter-terrorism efforts, and promote democratic reform, Radio for Peace Building in Northern Mali increased radio broadcasting in these remote regions using minimal technology and promoted media freedom by producing radio programs to combat terrorist ideology in conflict-prone areas. The program was run by IESC’s Geekcorps™, a cohort of skilled digital and applied technology expert volunteers.

Program details

  • Funder: USAID
  • Duration: 2007 to 2010
  • Award: $2.1 million


The program engaged community support and participation to construct new radio stations upgrade an existing station in the remote regions of Northern Mali, in the areas around Kidal, Timbuktu, and Gao. Geekcorps partnered with the Association of Malian Radio Broadcasters to meet the program goals. In addition to the technical work to build the stations, including solar-powered transmitters designed to resist heat and dust in Mali’s harsh weather conditions, Geekcorps organized workshops and training for radio managers, journalists, community management committees, and technicians on all aspects of managing a radio station that is both profitable and useful for their communities.


  • Established 11 fully staffed radio stations
  • Constructed 12 Open FM transmitters that broadcast a clear 360° signal for 55 kilometers
  • Trained 120 station managers, producers, announcers, and technicians
  • 1,325 people participated in community mobilization workshops
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