Our Work

USAID Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA)


The program enhances food security by increasing fruit and vegetable productivity, building the capacity of buyers and input suppliers to strengthen relationships with farmers, and improving farm-level extension systems.

The program works with smallholder farmers to provide technical assistance on the production of fresh fruits and vegetables. This will help them better meet the demands of domestic, regional, and international markets. The program also works with input suppliers to increase access to agro-inputs for smallholders.

The program works with agro-processors, buyers, and other downstream players in the fruit and vegetable value chains to foster relationships between smallholder farmers and buyers. The program also helps build the capacity of smallholders to meet quality and quantity specifications defined by market needs.

The program is developing agricultural extension training programs to increase productivity. The program is also building a training platform and providing capacity building training events at national and regional levels.

The program works with Caribbean Community (CARICOM) institutions, higher education, and national ministries of agriculture to better collect, manage, and disseminate data about the impact of extreme weather and weather patterns on agriculture production to improve decision making.


The USAID Caribbean Agricultural Productivity improvement Activity (CAPA) is a three-year program designed to improve food security and promote sustainable farming practices. IESC is implementing the program in Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, in partnership with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.

Program details

  • Funder: USAID
  • Duration: 2023 to 2026
  • Award: $6.3 million


  • 1,183 individuals improved management practices or technologies on 9,169 hectares of land
  • $9.4 million in annual sales by participating farmers and producers
  • 1,191 individuals trained
  • 14 partial scholarships for a postgraduate diploma in agriculture extension
  • 12 demonstration farms in four countries
  • 14 market-led production manuals and 14 market briefs shared with more than 400 stakeholders
  • 172 farm-level agro-input demand assessments
  • 246 youth supported
  • $24,814 in private sector investment leveraged

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