Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IESC)
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In partnership with local public, private, civil society organizations, and youth, IESC will implement targeted interventions to combat youth unemployment and underemployment. We will take a youth-centered approach to create a more enabling environment for young people to become equal and active partners in shaping their own futures. This includes bolstering young people as decision makers and enabling them to serve on an advisory council to guide program implementation and take ownership over results. To align training with market demand, the program will equip youth in rural and peri-urban areas with essential hard and soft skills for entrepreneurship and employment. An innovative communications strategy will leverage diverse platforms and peer-to-peer communications to raise awareness of job and training opportunities. We will also engage the private sector to create and expand work opportunities for young people. Collaboration with public and private organizations will facilitate youth access to funding for training and entrepreneurship, along with financial literacy education. Strategic grants and technical support will build the capacity of local institutions to deliver skills-building programs and facilitate work experience and apprenticeships in locally relevant value chains. These efforts aim to ensure sustainability and scalability.
Senegal faces a critical youth unemployment crisis, with over 62% of the unemployed under the age of 35. This issue is particularly severe in rural areas, where half of the youth population lives. There is a mismatch between training programs and market demands, along with limited opportunities for practical work experience, further compounded by a lack of awareness of skills and job opportunities in locally relevant value chains. To address these challenges, IESC is implementing USAID Feed the Future Senegal Youth Development. This five-year, $8.4 million program aims to improve the livelihoods of young people in the Senegal River Valley, Sine Saloum zone, and Casamance regions.
USAID Feed the Future Senegal Youth Development will benefit 25,000 Senegalese youth between the ages of 15 and 29, including by facilitating employment opportunities for 15,000 youth. Another 5,000 youth are expected to become entrepreneurs. Women will make up 60% of the program’s participants.
This page is made possible through the support provided by Feed the Future through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of IESC and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government