Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IESC)
2000 M Street NW
Suite 250
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-589-2600
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Join a global network of volunteer experts who dedicate their expertise, time, and passion to help our program participants—entrepreneurs, farmers, skills training institutions, financial institutions, private sector associations, and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises—achieve their goals.
Our volunteers bring invaluable expertise to their global neighbors, sharing knowledge, building mutual trust, and creating economic opportunity. Today, IESC strategically draws upon volunteer experts on select programs—most often our USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Access to Finance Program—where they strengthen capacity of the program participants and make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.
For example, our volunteers may help train young people to become successful entrepreneurs, link women small business owners to banks and buyers, and create pathways to new markets for farmers.
Do what you know and what you love in a dramatically new environment where your impact is real, and the rewards are immeasurable and last a lifetime.
We are always recruiting skilled volunteer experts with a passion and commitment to do something good in the world. Here are two ways to get started:
“All the work I have done in agriculture and agribusiness can now be used to help transform the lives of others.”
— Volunteer Melody Meyer
“Using my skills in new ways gives me new perspectives on how to have a more purpose-driven career.”
— Volunteer Lisa Larson
“I knew I had acquired some useful knowledge and skills that could be put to good use in the right organization. When a friend pointed me toward IESC, I knew I had found the perfect opportunity to serve.”
— Volunteer Tom Davis
“This was a life-changing experience for me.”
— Volunteer Michael Braden